
What is discrimination?

As a “worker” you are protected under employment law against discrimination at work on the grounds of sex, pregnancy/maternity, marriage/civil partnership, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religion or belief, race, disability and age. The law against discrimination is found in the Equality Act 2010.

A “worker” includes all working people, not just employees. You will therefore be protected under the discrimination laws if you are self-employed, working through an agency, a director or partner and doing work experience. You therefore have protection even though you may not have a standard contract of employment.

The protection not to be discriminated against applies to all stages in employment including recruitment, promotion and dismissals.

Please click on the links below to go to the relevant pages for:-

 Age Discrimination 

Disability Discrimination

Gender Reassignment Discrimination

Pregnancy Discrimination

Race Discrimination

Religion or belief discrimination

Sex Discrimination

Sexual Orientation


Sexual Harassment at work

We are a leading firm of employment law solicitors, acting for employees and senior executives in the City and throughout the UK. For more information on discrimination and a free consultation, please get in contact on 020 7100 5256 and ask to speak to Philip Landau or any member of the employment team, or email us.

Contact Form

  • How long have you worked for your present employer?
  • Please confirm you have read and understood our “1 day policy”

    Our "1 day policy" concerns the free legal advice service as set out on our free employment law advice page.

    Our one day policy says if you haven’t heard from us within 1 working day of submitting your enquiry, it means we are unable to provide the free service due to existing commitments and your details will be deleted. This provides certainty for you, so you are not left waiting.
    In most cases, however, we are able to let you know the same day, and often within hours if we can take your matter forward.

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