No win- no fee

Landau Law is one of the best known and leading employment law firms in the UK, acting solely for employees and senior executives. We are practically the only employment law practice in the country who specialises in only acting for individuals. We have very high success rates. Please feel free to use the contact form or call us on 020 7100 5256
No win- no fee
As specialist UK employment law solicitors acting only for employees and senior executives, we are always willing to consider taking cases on a no win -no fee basis if this is your preference. In doing so, we appreciate that this is often an attractive option at a time when financial security is uncertain.
Many employment lawyers don’t like working with a no win – no fee funding because the risks are too high. Whilst risk is clearly an important factor, we have collectively acted for employees and senior executives for over 20 years with very high success rates. We are therefore well placed to judge those risks. Our experience and successful outcomes, in turn, gives us the confidence to offer a no win- no fee form of funding where we can.
How it works is simple. If the case is not settled, you do not pay us. Your fees are therefore dependent on us negotiating a settlement with your employer that you are happy with. If the case goes to a tribunal, then the fees will attach to the amount that is awarded in your favour. In the vast majority of cases, we can keep the level at 25% plus VAT of what we negotiate or win for you. Where there is an existing offer of settlement, only the additional amount we have negotiated or recovered at tribunal will form part of the no win no fee arrangement.
The primary aim is always to try and reach a negotiated settlement without the need to issue tribunal proceedings, which is the overriding preference of most employees – and employers too. We have extremely high success rates in settling disputes, especially where there is sufficient merit to your claim.
If the case does go to an employment tribunal, there could be potentially additional costs which would not form part of a no win-no fee arrangement. This is the usual position reflecting the nature of tribunal proceedings (whether you are on a no win- no fee funding or not). Such costs could include the hiring of a barrister to represent you at the hearing. There is also a very slim chance that you could be liable for a contribution towards the legal costs of your employer, if a tribunal makes such an order against you. It will only do so if the claim is seen to be vexatious and without any prospects of success, or where you have failed to comply with an order or directions from the tribunal.
Not every case can be accepted on a no win- no fee basis, but we will do our best to do so if this is your preferred costs option, wherever you are in the UK. If you are sending a lot of detailed information, we may need to charge an initial limited agreed (fixed) fee to properly go through everything and advise you on the merits of your case. This is also set out on our free legal advice page.
We can also consider other funding options.
We are truly a national employment law firm, and our client’s range from City employees and executives in banks and “blue-chip” companies, to those working in smaller and medium sized businesses (or public authorities) in most job sectors throughout the UK.
We are also regularly called upon as experts on UK employment law in the media. This includes the BBC, The Guardian, Sky News, LBC News Radio, ITN, Radio London, Talk Radio, Radio 5 Live, the Wall Street Journal and The Independent, The Times, and The Telegraph .
In addition, Philip Landau has written numerous times as a contributor for The Guardian as an employment law expert.

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